
Helpful Tips to Prevent Gum Disease

man with gum disease

The majority of people focus only on their teeth when it comes to their mouth, and they do not give their gums as much attention as they should. If you’re not careful, you could develop gum diseases, such as gingivitis and periodontitis. Since gum disease isn’t always painful, it’s difficult to tell if it’s there or not right away. So how can you help prevent gum disease from happening? Let’s look at what gum disease is, the symptoms, and how to prevent it.

What Is Gum Disease?

Two types of mouth disease can be categorized under the term “gum disease.” One is called gingivitis which is the most commonly known one and the mild form of gum disease. The second form of gum disease is called periodontitis, a much more severe case of gum disease. Here’s a closer look at these two different types of gum disease.


Gingivitis: You would typically get gingivitis as the first stage of getting gum disease. Many people get gingivitis throughout their life, and because the symptoms are usually so mild, they are very easy to ignore. When you get gingivitis, plaque builds up, making the gums inflamed, causing them to bleed easily when you brush them. If you ignore this sign, then it can turn into a more severe case of gum disease called periodontitis.


Periodontitis: When a person gets periodontitis, the inner layer of their gum and bone pulls away from their teeth and forms pockets. Debris can accumulate and become infected in the spaces between your gums and teeth and cause bacteria to grow in the plaque. Toxins produced by bacteria can destroy bone, and connective tissue, which is part of what helps your teeth stay in place. The problem could get so bad that your teeth become loose over time or even fall out.

Symptoms Of Gum Disease

Gum disease can present with a variety of signs and symptoms, so here is a list of them to look out for when you are doing your daily routine.

  • Gums that are tender, swollen, or red
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Chewing is painful
  • Have trouble fitting your partial dentures
  • Smelly breath that doesn’t go away
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Tooth sensitivity for hot or cold foods/drinks
  • Bleeding gums whenever you brush or floss your teeth
  • Receding gums, or gums that have pulled away from the teeth
  • Loose teeth

Tips For Gum Disease Prevention

At Pittsburgh Periodontist, we have put a list of tips on preventing gum disease and keeping your mouth, gums, and teeth healthy.

Brush & Floss

One of the first steps to prevent gum disease is to brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis. For brushing your teeth, make sure you are brushing them twice daily; the best time is to do it right after you eat. Next, floss your teeth at least once a day; this helps reach areas that you can’t reach with your toothbrush. Also, scrape your tongue afterward to remove bacteria built up on your tongue.

Regular Dental Cleanings

Visit your dentist regularly. This allows your dentist to monitor your oral health and identify warning signs of gum disease, preventing it from getting worse. Once or twice per year is ideal.

Good Toothpaste & Mouthwash

Getting the proper toothpaste and mouth waste can do wonders for your mouth. Make sure to look for an antimicrobial ingredient that effectively kills bacteria that causes gum disease.


There are a lot of different foods and drinks that can really damage your mouth if you have a lot of them, like sugary drinks or sweets. In addition, specific vitamins and minerals can promote gum and dental health.

Quit Smoking

Recent studies have shown that tobacco usage can cause periodontal disease and be more severe than people who don’t smoke. Not only can it cause that, but it also can cause oral cancer.

Get in touch with us at Pittsburgh Periodontist if you notice signs of gum disease so we can discuss our gum disease laser therapy service to help you fight back against gum disease.

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